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Ethnotek Around the World

Ethnotek Around the World

Every so often, the Tribe surprises us with some pretty sweet snaps with their packs, from around the world. In today's post, we wanted to feature a few of our most recent favorites, and thank all of you Tribe members for sharing with us! Enjoy the journey... 

Ben combines creativity with his Vietnam 2 Wayu Pack Georgetown Penang Malaysia 

(how cool is this?!)

Heather from Philadelphia, PA took her India 8 Raja Pack to the polls yesterday!


Ty, our friend from Kammok, stoked on his new Indonesia 5 Raja pack.

We dig Ken's (with Anthem Heart) everyday India 8 Raja Pack use.

Monica, from Ohio, is an explorer and her Vietnam 7 Wayu Pack joins her on her adventures.

Thank you to Ben, Heather, Ty, Ken and Monica for sharing your adventures with each of your Ethnotek travel companions. Keep on sharing, and thank you for spreading the word. 

We encourage you to share your adventures with your Ethnotek packs by posting them or tagging Ethnotek on: Facebook (Ethnotek bags), instagram (@ethnotekbags), Twitter (@Ethnotekbags) or Pinterest (ethnotek). There are plenty of options for sharing! And remember, sharing is caring. We dig living vicariously through your adventures, and we live and love to share them with the Tribe. You inspire us!

ETK Adventure Away...

Tribe Scribe

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