The crew here at Ethnotek are always passing along blog posts, photos, stories, just about anything, really, that we find inspiring.
What's inspiring us right now?
Connection. We love stories of connection. Connecting is the very heart and soul of what we do at Ethnotek. That is why we share the stories of our artisans and the stories of our (mis)adventures, and that is why we ask you to share your stories.
We've found a brilliant TED speaker whose amazing projects are leaving us inspired to get out and connect with others.
Candy Chang, Artist+New Orleans Gal+Designer+Community Creator
Have 6 minutes to get inspired? Check out the talk Candy gave at TEDGlobal 2012
She was surprised at the honest, heartbreaking, hilarious, off-the-wall, and beautiful responses the project evoked.

The was such a success that it has expanded to countries around the world including Kazakhstan, South Africa, the Netherlands, Mexico, Australia, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, and beyond.

Want to see more of Candy's inspiring work? Check out her site