Travel & Community

Track Ethnoteks adventures and see what our community is up to. This is a place we'll feature our Tribe of customers and all the awesomeness that you're up to. To be featured tag @ethnotekbags and #etktribe on social media.

Latest articles from Travel & Community

Getu See More

Our Tribe sends it!!!

This week's proof of that is a story from our friend and fellow Tribe member Andrew Seymore. We like to think of his last name as being spelled 'SeeMore' because this dude does exactly that. He works hard as a High School teacher in Saigon, Vietnam and with what little free time he has, he dedicates it all to seeing is short people, and I think we all can take a page from his book in how to maximize free time as free people should. 

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Tribe Hangout at Moksha Yoga

I went to Moksha yoga tonight for a Hatha Yoga class at 9pm. Kitty was teaching. Moksha has a vibe about it. Something special. A rad space. Philly D, the owner, has become a friend in the few short months we've known him. He lives out the Moksha mission so authentically and when you find that in a fellow small business, it's refreshing. Moksha has 7 pillars...a set of ideas and philosophies they aim to live by as a community, and you can feel that. The 7 pillars are: Be healthy, Be accessible, Live green, Sangha support, Reach out, Live to learn, Be peace. Dig it.

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Tribe Member Pierce on Conscious Consumption

After Tribe member and close friend/advisor Pierce McNally read Marie Malinowski's recent article in The Examiner (in regards to the 'how' and 'why' behind our direct trade business model), he felt inspired to weigh in on the topic of conscious consumption. Here's what Pierce has to say...

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Tribe Motherhood

"All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. - Abraham Lincoln

This statement couldn't be more true. As you can imagine, the importance of motherhood runs deep in our Tribe. Many of the artisans in the villages we partner with around the world are mothers, and Tribe member Arushi has commented on how strong the role of women is in Bhuj - where the weaving process starts and ends with the women of the Tribe. That's special. The women of the Tribe are special, and we wouldn't be here without them. This statement holds true for our own mothers as well. Today we are full of gratitude for them, because without their undying support and love, Ethnotek wouldn't be possible. Today we are counting our many blessings, and taking time to express gratitude to the mothers in our villages, and our own mothers. 

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Tribe Travel Inspiration

Today (and everyday, really) we're inspired by the differences in culture around the globe, travel, adventure, connections, exploration, and time spent with the one and only Mother Nature. We were stoked to have been reminded of this as we were featured on REI's instagram page for their REI 1440 Project, whose goal is to "fill each and every minute of this "virtual day" (all 1440 of them) with photography representing our collective love of outside." So I thought I'd share a little inspiration with the Tribe today. 

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The Female Frontier - Tribe Adventures in South America

We were first introduced to Tribe members Nikki McGee and Melanie Ford's idea to tour South America (with a focus on Chile) when we were in Salt Lake City at Winter Market Outdoor Retailer this past January. With massive amounts of energy and passion, Nikki (who is originally from Minnesota and a longtime friend of Founder Jake) told us about The Female Frontier... 

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Share your travel story and snag some free swag!

That's right,'s Swag for Stories time! 

This past Tuesday we introduced "Tribe Tuesday" with some Swag for Stories fun. Tribe Tuesday is all about appreciation of our Tribe...highlighting what our Tribe is up to with their packs, sharing stories of the Tribe from the road, and showing our gratitude with things like the chance to snag some free swag! 

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Letters from the Tribe: Tet Holiday Adventures

This ETK Blog post is brought to you by Cori Orak, via the Tribe Scribe. Cori was the first official member of the Tribe, and is Founder and Head Bag Designer Jake's leading lady. Cori has been Jake's muse in many respects, and thus has been extremely influential in the design process. We are beyond-honored and happy to welcome Cori as a guest writer on the ETK Blog. Cori's perspective on life in Vietnam is invaluable, and she shares the same passion for cultural appreciation, social responsibility and sustainability in this time-honored craft.

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Product & Design

Step into the design process of our bags, get the first look at new product roll-outs, see collaborations, brand alliances and more.

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Artisan & Culture

This colorful section of the blog is to highlight the culture & handmade process of our artisans and to share other relevant articles on anthropology and hand-craft.

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Travel & Community

Track Ethnoteks adventures and see what our community is up to. This is a place we'll feature our Tribe of customers and all the awesomeness that you're up to. To be featured tag @ethnotekbags and #etktribe on social media.

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